
Thinking of becoming a deputy? Here's how...

Thu 11 Apr 2024

A new website has been launched to help anyone in the Vale who is thinking about standing for election as People's Deputy in the general election to be held next summer. The States of Guernsey site has been made available more than a year ahead of the election itself to provide early and additional support and information to people who are considering whether or not they wish to stand.

The Guernsey Press front page launching the countdown to the general election

The comprehensive resource has been welcomed by Vale Senior Constable Richard Leale, who said that the information it contained would really help any parishioner who was considering standing for election whether to do so or not.

"Clearly, I'm not going to get into the politics of it but this is a really useful guide to what being a States member entails, how government works and the time commitment involved. 

"The States are trying to ensure that anyone entering the Assembly for the first time is as prepared as possible for the tasks ahead," he said, "and that has to be applauded."

Ahead of the launch of https://election2025.gg two drop-in sessions are being held for people already thinking about putting themselves forward as candidates where people can go and speak to current States Members to ask any questions they may have, to help inform their decisions about standing. These will be held next week as follows:

  • 16 April 5pm - 8.30pm: Beau Sejour concourse
  • 20 April 10am - 1pm: St James café

Mr Leale said he echoed the words of Deputy Carl Meerveld from the introduction to the website: "It is an extremely challenging role, but one that is essential to the success of our island, and one that can be very rewarding. It can also impact your professional and personal life in a number of ways, and it is better to begin that political journey with your eyes open so you are as ready as possible when you ultimately put your name forward and ask the community to support you with their vote."

Mr Leale said the Vale Douzaine had been clear in its view that the loss of "parish" deputies had been a detrimental consequence of island-wide voting being adopted.

"We will have island-wide voting again in 2025 so if there is anyone resident in the Vale parish who is considering running for public office, this site should help them make an informed decision about whether to do so or not."










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