
Targeting fly-tippers welcomed by Constables

Sat 09 Jun 2018

A RECENT court case in which two fly-tippers received stiff fines for their littering has been welcomed by two Senior Constables.

Richard Leale, of the Vale, and Dennis Le Moignan, of St Peter Port, both applauded the strong line being taken by the authorities.

'It is undoubtedly good news for the taxpayers of Guernsey, who have to bear the burden of cost in clearing up behind people who feel they can dump rubbish wherever they like,' said Mr Leale.

New pay-to-throw rubbish arrangements are widely expected to trigger an increase in illegal dumping and the parishes are concerned that this could become an island-wide problem.

The court's warning is seen as an important part of deterring people and encouraging them to dispose of refuse in an appropriate fashion.

It wasn't too expensive to get rid of waste in the proper manner, Mr Le Moignan said.

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