
New States 'waste disposal' bill clarified by Constable

Thu 21 Feb 2019

Islanders have this week been receiving a new bill from the States under the 'pay as you throw' refuse and recycling regime.

It imposes an £85 charge for 'General Waste Collection' but Vale Senior Constable Richard Leale has clarified that while the bill has to be paid, the wording of it might be misleading for householders.

'Calling it "general waste collection" might make people think it is an extra charge for disposing of "black sack" or residual waste on top of the £1.40 or £2.50 sticker that you have to use,' he said.

The £85 has been applied by the States to cover disposal of waste, recycling and the infrastructure associated with it. Collection charges for the refuse contractor are separate and will come out later with the annual parish rates bill.

He wanted to make the position clear because some parishioners were confused and others thought it was an additional parish charge, when it is not.


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