
Historic picture of L'Ancresse wall being built

Sun 07 Oct 2018

News that the States have been drilling test holes in the former anti-tank wall at L'Ancresse to establish how deep it is reminded one parishioner that they had seen a photograph of the defence being built by the Germans during the Occupation.

The image is now owned by Richard Heaume, of the German Occupation Museum, who has given permission for it to be reproduced here (a zoomable version is available at the foot of the article). It is understood that it was taken at the time by the occupying forces.

The image shows the shuttering erected prior to concrete being poured to create the defence and also gives an indication of the state of the beach when the wall was being erected.

Another image has also come to light which shows that the profile of the bay was higher than now – and how popular it was as a summer venue back in the 1960s, when the picture is believed to have been taken. A larger version is also at the foot of this piece.

The work to establish the level at the bottom of the wall is expected to cost around £2,000 with the whole project to remove a section and create new groynes estimated to cost just over £1m.

A planning application needs to be submitted and approved before any work to realign that part of the bay can get underway.


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