
Guernsey Electricity backs parishes' Bridge community enhancement initiative

Fri 03 May 2019

Guernsey Electricity has agreed to work with the Vale and St Sampson’s Douzaines to see how the current high level of community liaison between them can be improved and extended.

This follows the success of the inter-parish Bridge Working Group in coordinating activities to enhance Guernsey’s second retail centre, which is also set to see significant residential development.

‘We want to be the best neighbour we can by being actively involved in our community,’ said Guernsey Electricity chief executive Alan Bates, ‘so we welcome these discussions to build on the local community arrangements we have already put in place.’

Following an approach by the parishes' working group Mr Bates (pictured) agreed to review the existing Guernsey Electricity Community Liaison Group (CLG), which was formed four years ago to concentrate on issues relating to the company's generation facility in Vale. 

‘The CLG has been a successful forum and we’re grateful for the input from its various members,’ said Mr Bates, ‘but with the passage of time and the changing pressures on the north of the island, it’s relevant to review with the douzaines whether the liaison group’s mandate should be widened to take account of today’s activities and possible concerns.’

More autonomy
Guernsey Electricity was already looking to give the group more autonomy by seeking an independent individual to chair it and is now considering whether the 
CLG’s membership and terms of reference can be broadened to encompass community improvements and enhancement of the Bridge and surrounding areas.

Doing so fitted well with another Guernsey Electricity initiative, its community fund, which was established to support small projects that would benefit parishioners in the two parishes, Mr Bates said. That has already funded initiatives by the Bridge Floral Group and helped with the new gardens created outside its showroom at Northside.

‘Given the Douzaines’ focus on community matters and improving their localities we want to work with them to help harness that creativity and bring together a team – coopting new members as necessary – committed to enhancing the Bridge area and minimising any perceived problems,’ said Mr Bates.

  • Anyone interested in helping or finding out more about the initiative is asked to contact Clare Packman, Communications and Digital Advisor on [email protected]
  • Guernsey Electricity Ltd - Powering Life, Today and Tomorrow




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